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Search Local Listings

By Joshua Reynolds - Last Updated on 04/09/2013
People use Google to find the perfect local shop. Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/dogancanozturan">Dogancan Ozturan</a>, Unsplash.
With a local search listing, your clients won't need a detective to find your business.
Search engines are integral to how people use the internet. When we want to find something — how to make the perfect cup of coffee, the lyrics to a song we heard, or the best bars in close proximity to our hotel, most of us will perform a quick Google search.

Searches for a type of business or locale such as ‘coffee shop’ will yield more than ordinary search results: you'll also be shown a map with local coffee houses and a list with their addresses and basic contact information. These are Local Search results, compiled by search engines from data collated from other online business directories, data contained on the businesses’ websites and information submitted directly by businesses to the search engine.

The prominent display of Local Search results means that local listings are important to your business. Receiving a good rank in these listings depends on several factors: consistency, relevance, and the quality of your website. Consistency is based on your business's information being identical wherever it's listed — in other online directories, on your website, and in the search engines. Relevance is how search engines calculate the value of your business and decide on its ranking. A high quality website that is well respected and well connected creates a competitive advantage in search ranking. A well-optimized website and customer reviews of your business on Google+ and Yelp are a great start for proving the quality and relevance of your business.

The ranking algorithms used by Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Yahoo are constantly being tweaked to produce better, more relevant results. It can be tough to keep your listings in good shape, but JTech is happy to help — just drop us a line and we can make sure you’re getting the most out of Search Local Listings.
Our team is getting bigger! We’re on the lookout for a web developer to join our production team. The job requires a strong foundation with SQL, PHP, JavaScript, CSS and object-oriented programming. In addition to technical expertise, we need someone who plays well with others — a good communicator who’s eager to learn more and be a key part of a small team. If that piques your interest, the job listing is here.

We’re also looking for a Project Manager. We’re sad to say goodbye to Laura Kirkland, who many of you have worked with. She’s taking off to spend more time with her family, so JTech needs an able replacement. This is a job that requires excellent people skills, organization, and a talent for picking things up on the fly. To learn more, read the job listing.

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About Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds is the founder, president, CEO, and chief architect of JTech Communications. His extensive, 30+ year career has spanned management, Internet systems, information architecture, and web technology of all kinds. Josh’s career is defined by reliable, actionable strategies that his clients can actually use to improve their business.