Health In Focus Gains Clarity with New Informational Website
We designed a new website for Health in Focus (HIF) to help them build a home on the web.
Health In Focus is a health news, resource-rich website curated by Jacobus Hollewijn. His work breaks down complicated health topics into more digestible pieces. Jacobus's passion is sharing his lifetime of knowledge with the world.
Health in Focus needed to be an effective hub for Jacobus's podcast and published articles.
We designed Health in Focus a beautiful, informational website customized to mirror his holistic approach.
Holistic Web Design
Jacobus understands human health via a combination of Eastern and Western traditions. He wanted a website that reflected that balance. Our holistic web design for HIF presents Jacobus’s diverse knowledge in a cohesive way.
The Health in Focus Logo
Health in Focus manifests a balance between East and West in several ways.
The best representation is the caduceus in their new logo. The Health in Focus logo blends Western symbolism with natural motifs common in the East. This balance is also clear in the combination of calming colors and hard corners of our design.
Our design team's holistic approach allowed us to build a beautiful, informational website. Jacobus can now share his wealth of knowledge worldwide.
Web Design to Build Credibility
The Featured News Section on Health in Focus's Home Page
Health In Focus's educational material required several credibility-building design choices. It was also important to build credibility without presenting them as healthcare providers.
People want to know their health information is from a credible source. So, our web design team created the following:
- A calming color palette
- An intuitive content layout
- Designs that presented Jacobus’s knowledge in a professional way
We also added several features that allow Jacobus to form direct connections. We created:
- A custom newsletter subscription form
- A podcast embedding tool to widen distribution
- A contact form
Now, Jacobus can be sure his website delivers information to those who need it.
Our web design team is proud of the informational website we built for Health In Focus. We’re also proud of the balance of information we achieved with their holistic web design.
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