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Frequently Asked Questions

What you need to know about doing business online.
Below are topics of frequently asked questions to help you get started. Don't see your answer? Send us a note. 

Website FAQs

Web design is a phrase used to describe the design and development of a website. Web design includes image sourcing, content writing, and attention to UI and UX. The best web design will build a visual brand for your business and draw customer interest—accelerating your growth.
Responsive web design is a development strategy that utilizes different layouts for mobile and desktop screens — allowing visitors from any device to experience the same high-quality site. We work hard to ensure that your website will resize and reorder itself legibly and reliably on every size screen.
When you build a website it needs to be hosted on a server so your content is available on the internet. Local website hosting is when you utilize a local professional or company to handle the hosting of your website rather than a national service. Local hosting is a way to ensure your website is secure and in the hands of a person or organization that you trust. 
Web development is a broad term that covers all updates, actions, and procedures needed to build and maintain a website. The best web development strategy balances website performance, UX, and technical page attributes such as page load speed. JTech’s web dev team works hard to create high-quality websites that meet all your business’s needs.
Yes. Based on a Supreme Court case decision, most websites need to be ADA compliant. This includes all businesses with a physical location, educational institutions, nonprofit and charitable organizations, and most online-only businesses. Better than the legal requirements is improving the accessibility of your site expanding your audience by making your website better for everyone.
A custom, JTech® website will cost a few thousand on the low end and will get more expensive as complexity and size increase. Developing the perfect site does not mean you have to break the bank, our team can help you develop the perfect budget and timeline for your business.
Website development can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6+ months depending on the size and complexity of your website. We recommend reaching out 4 to 6 months before you need a website ready for launch. 
Page speed is how quickly a website’s pages load. Search engines will reduce your ranking on the search engines results page (SERP) if your site doesn't meet minimum load speed performance thresholds. Additionally, the average user will leave a site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. 
Web accessibility means that a website, its features, and its forms are designed to help accommodate people with disabilities. An accessible website can be navigated and interacted with using screen readers, voice control, and other tools—in addition to typical software and hardware. Accessibility isn't a state that can be achieved - like having an "easy to use" website, an accessible site has been developed to make the site easy to use with the tools the disabled use to interface with your website.
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) attempt to define best practices for an accessible website. Accessibility isn't a state that can be achieved, but you can pay attention to how friendly a site is to the tools people with disabilities harness to use your website.
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Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing FAQs

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an area of digital marketing focused on increasing your website’s organic position on the search engine results page (SERP) for searches using targeted keywords. 

To improve your organic rankings, search engine optimization service providers like JTech employ a variety of search engine optimization that improve your position on the search engine results page (SERP). Dedicated organic search engine optimization (SEO) services plans help improve brand visibility in target markets, establish businesses as industry authorities, and bring more valuable leads to websites.
Data about the benefits of SEO shows that 75% of user clicks go to the first 3 results on the search engine results page (SERP). This means that SEO is important for reaching and converting new qualified leads. The benefits of SEO shouldn’t be underestimated when trying to increase your brand’s visibility.
Search engine rankings can be tracked by specific SEO tools like Google Search Console and various other pieces of paid software. Each tool offers search engine ranking reports that help you track your website’s overall performance and traffic.
PPC, or Pay-Per-Click advertising, allows advertisers to pay for targeted, higher positions on the search engine results page (SERP) through text, banner, and video advertisements that appear at the top of a web page. Additionally, advertisers only pay for clicks. So, pay-per-click advertising is an incredibly economical way to increase your website exposure.
The main difference between search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) is the approach to increasing your website’s visibility. SEO uses search engine optimization to improve the quality and user experience of your website—increasing organic rankings. SEM uses paid advertisements to increase your brand’s visibility artificially. 

Both SEO and SEM are valuable marketing tools. SEO for steady growth over time and SEM for near immediate, targeted, explosive growth.
Getting on Google’s local business results page requires a regular execution of visibility-boosting practices.  When we work with our clients to increase their Google local business results rankings we work with our clients to claim their Google Business Profile listing, get indexed in hundreds of local search directories relevant to their industries, and more.

These actions will actively boost their ranking in Google’s local business results.
Search engine ranking, or the position of your site on the search engine results page (SERP), are determined by a variety of factors. Search engine ranking factors include developing an excellent user experience, a strong backlink portfolio, copy freshness, and adherence to the most current technical standards for high-quality web design. 

Maintaining the strength of your site’s search engine ranking factors is best done through ongoing search engine optimization (SEO) efforts from an experienced agency. 
Digital marketing works by utilizing a variety of online channels to raise visibility and reach qualified leads. The underlying goal of any digital marketing solution is to capture a user's attention and move them toward becoming a customer. The most effective digital marketing solutions include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content marketing, press releases, Google Business Profile (GBP) posts, and GBP management. These efforts, when done in combination, can improve the visibility of your website online and on the search engine's results page (SERP).  
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Logos & Design FAQs

A brand is the public perception of a business. Many people identify a brand as a logo design, but your brand is also your approved fonts, website design, dress code, policies, social media posts, and community involvement. 
Professional logo design by an experienced and reputable designer costs between $3,000 - $5,000 depending on the complexity and particulars of the logo design.
A good logo provides a focal point for customers' relationship with a brand. All the factors that create trust in a company — advertising, customer service, and quality of products or services — come to be associated with your logo. The logo's consistent application signals quality and trust in a way that increases customer loyalty — directly affecting your bottom line.
Developing a professional logo typically takes between 3-5 weeks. Logo design unfolds through a process of design and revision, this timeline can collapse or expand based on a brand's ability to collaborate and communicate actively with our Bozeman-based logo design team.
Branding begins with defining your brand's purpose and core values while assessing the positions that your competitors take. Using this perspective as a guide, logo development traditionally starts with thumbnail sketches. Those sketches are distilled through a series of revisions to an effective mark that will reproduce well in any context.
A strong logo provides a focal point for customers' relationship with a brand. All the factors that create trust in a company — advertising, customer service, and quality of your product or services — come to be associated with the logo. Through the logo's consistent application in those contexts, it signals quality, trust, and will increase customer loyalty.
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Web App FAQs

Web apps differ from websites in a variety of ways. The differentiation between web apps vs websites is often determined by interactivity. Web apps are very interactive vs traditional websites — allowing users to book appointments, buy products, or enter time cards. Websites are often closer to a tool users visit and learn about an organization (even if that website includes web app-like features). 
A web application is a program that automates, adds interactivity to, or assists users as they navigate and use a web-based property inside of a browser. Web applications also store data in a central location, making it easy for multiple people to collaborate while using them. Finally, many web applications—like eCommerce stores, portals, score trackers, etc.—can be integrated directly into your website.
Native apps are downloaded to your computer vs web apps which are usable by anyone with a web connection. JTech’s app development team works solely with web application technology.
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Business Automation

Business process automation occurs when the workflow of an organization is streamlined through custom software that replaces or eases the burden of tedious or frequently repeated manual tasks.
Depending on the task, automation in business can often benefit your company by producing a full return on investment in under a year and reducing the need for additional staff—reducing costs significantly. 
An organization benefits from business automation if a large proportion of time is spent on tedious or frequently repeated tasks like inventory management or customer onboarding. Business process automation streamlines the management of a business — ultimately saving time and money. 
Business automation is best utilized to replace paperwork-heavy tasks for activities such as customer onboarding, accounting integration, and inventory management. If you’re not sure what business process automation would benefit your business most, reach out to the JTech team today. 

General FAQs

When our team compares sites built on WordPress vs custom websites built by JTech’s website design team, we find conclusive evidence that custom websites are more performant, more easily found on search engines, and more cost-effective over time. If you’re debating between WordPress vs a custom website, we strongly recommend a custom website. Read more about template vs custom websites here.
There are several points in the life of your business when redesigning your website makes sense. If you’re improving your site or adding functionality, it often makes sense to fully refresh your website’s design at the same time. If you’re moving from one website designer to another, it often makes sense to redesign the parts of your website that have been bothering you while you make your move. Finally, if you’re happy with your website’s functionality but the design has begun to look dated, a redesign is a great way to begin attracting new customers. 
Hiring a dedicated web developer comes with many benefits. Web development companies like JTech are equipped to handle everything from the look and feel, to content, to website performance on the search engine results page (SERP). So, hiring a web developer means your website is planned well, has a polished design, works on any device. In other words, well optimized for performance on search engines.
Website development and design describes the graphic design, UI/UX design, code writing, QA testing, etc. that goes into making a performant and optimized website. A website design company plans, designs, builds, and sometimes, hosts websites, apps, and other software. Website design companies spearhead the stressful and often opaque website design process for their customers to make the whole process easier.
JTech Communications was founded in Bozeman, MT in 1997. So, our team of  website design, web development, and digital marketing professionals has been successfully serving as our client’s Bozeman, Montana-based website design experts for more than two decades. You can learn more about JTech Communications on our About Us page and our impact on communities across the US on our Case Studies page.

No, the JTech Communications website design, development, and digital marketing team works with numerous industries throughout the Pacific Northwest.
You can schedule a free web design discovery meeting by filling out our discovery form or by calling our phone number, 406-586-7100.
Google and other search engines, like Bing, value websites that help customers find accurate answers fast. All of JTech’s websites are performant and search engine optimized. If your business depends on local business, then we’ll optimize it for the geographic location of your target market. So, a custom site from JTech Communication’s Montana-based website development and marketing team will help your chances of appearing in local search. However, local SEO must be an ongoing effort to be effective. Check out our Bozeman-based local SEO services to learn more.

The JTech Communications team creates custom-built websites for businesses in any vertical. If you’re wondering, ‘Who can design a website for my very specific niche?’ we encourage you to reach out. The JTech team has decades of experience working with a variety of industries and companies that have a range of business goals. Learn more about projects we've done for others in our website design and digital marketing case studies.
Web servers have a dramatic effect on the page load speed of the websites they host. Consequently, the better your server, the better your SEO.  You can find who your current web hosting company is by entering your domain name here: https://hostingchecker.com

JTech's websites are hosted on our local web servers, allowing us to provide 24-hour security oversight and ensure your website is always online. 
Accepting payments on your website is much simpler than you might think. If you have an existing point-of-sale system, JTech’s team can likely integrate with it by adding a payment portal to your website. You can also start accepting payments on your website by working with a payment processing vendor. We have a preferred vendor in REM Solutions — a vendor located in Livingston, MT — but you’re welcome to work with anyone.   

So, we’ll help you prepare to start accepting payments. We’ll integrate with your chosen solution, and you’ll be ready to accept payments on your website in no time!
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