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Does Your Website Have a FAQs Page?

By Spencer Hert - Last Updated on 10/19/2020
Customers will always have questions about your products or services. Our website design and marketing team made sure to build a FAQs page on our website for this exact reason.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are helpful for several reasons. They educate customers, save your staff time, and improve your SEO. They also show customers that you value their feedback and establish your authority.

For these reasons, we often recommend that our customers build an FAQs page for their website.

If you're considering adding an FAQs page, read our list of benefits below to help you decide.

FAQs Pages are a Time Saver

FAQs pages are, and always have been, an effective way to save time and money.

Our Clients Always Have the Option to Reach Out Directly
Our Clients Always Have the Option to Reach Out Directly
We often receive similar questions from our clients. Those questions became the content when we create our first FAQs page design. They still have a home there today. Now, our support staff can answer client questions easier.

Easy-to-access information also helps customers save time—keeping them engaged and happy.

FAQs Improve Your Online Reputation

As a professional, you know your industry better than most. Showing your customers that knowledge is an effective way to build your reputation. It also shows that you listen to their feedback, building even more trust.

Google also likes to see website managers responding to their audience. So, a detailed FAQs page is perfect for improving your ability to rank in Google's algorithm.

Even better, a great FAQ may become a featured snippet in Google Search.

Your FAQs Can Become Featured Snippets

A well-optimized FAQ can become a featured snippet on the search engine results page (SERP).

Featured snippets are Google search's FAQ stand in. They display what they determine to be the most essential snippets of text from websites in a Q&A format. They appear as boxes with expandable sections that contain previews of relevant text. This text will often provide a direct answer to a user's query.

Google likes featured snippets because users can find aswers faster. We like featured snippets because they're a powerful SEO tool.

Data shows that featured snippets can increase traffic by up to 20% to 30%. Click Through Rates (CTR’s) of pages with featured snippets have also shown an increase of up to 8%. In short, featured snippets make you more credible in the eyes of Google and your customers.

Featured snippets can appear for question queries, non-question queries and information-driven long-tail queries. So, what's the best way to rank? We recommend that you:

  • Design your content to answer the user query better than the competitors
  • Choose specific queries you would like to pursue
  • Focus on making your information succinct, powerful, and helpful
  • Provide in-depth answers with less text
  • Use wording that conveys deep, purposeful meaning
  • Format your content in numbered or bulleted lists—if those lists have in the context
  • Create user-focused content that follows Google's E.E.A.T. guidelines
  • Target popular keyword search phrases

Great keyword search phrases tend to start with:

  • How to...
  • Who is...
  • Why is...
  • What is...

'How To' FAQ Example
'How To' FAQ Example

Acquiring featured snippets can be difficult. Still, a featured snippet's SEO benefits often make up for any effort.

FAQ Best Practices

So, how do you create the best FAQs page possible? We recommend several best practices for a well-optimized FAQ page.

This seems like an obvious answer. Still, an FAQ page should be a tool that improves the experience of your website visitors.
In other words, your FAQs page should answer questions that are frequently asked. So, answer your customer's most important questions. 

Adding topic groups to your FAQs page can make it easier to navigate. Organizing by topic may even mean the difference between helping and frustrating. 
Our FAQ Topics
Our FAQ Topics

Your customers trust you to be their professional. So, they'll often use your FAQs page to get an answer they trust. We recommend focusing on answering your FAQs with facts and a professional tone.

FAQs promise to solve many things. Still, customers will need to contact you if they can't find the answer they need. We recommend asking a customer to reach out if they can't find the answer they need. We also recommend a brief description of how your FAQs can help near the top of the page.

If there is another section of your website that goes more in-depth on a topic, link to it! Internal linking helps your website, and it allows your users to take a deeper look into the topic. In other words, give a straightforward answer to common questions and offer more information—if needed.

A Great, Benefit Driven CTA
A Great, Benefit Driven CTA
Calls To Action (CTAs) should be present on your FAQ page. CTAs allow customers to buy or inquire about your products or services. You will notice on our FAQ page that we have included a CTA in every topic section. This gives our users an easy way to begin working with us if they like our answers.

High-quality answers are bound to include keywords organically. Still, we recommend further optimizing your FAQs with keywords as a guarantee. This educates Google about your services, encouraging them to point relevant searches to you.

An FAQ can also act as a catch-all for any keywords that apply to your company without keyword stuffing. This allows an FAQ page to be a win-win. Both your clients and Google will be happy with this extra information about your company.

JTech's New FAQs Page

We love FAQs as a part of a website. So, we recently decided to design and build a new FAQs page on our own website!

Like we've advised above, our FAQ page doesn't replace any pages on our website. Instead, our FAQs allow us to elaborate on topics in quick, digestible pieces of information. They supplement our message and mission in meaningful ways. 

We believe that everyone can benefit from an FAQ page. They save staff valuable time, earn featured snippets from Google, and more. Let us know if we can help you architect your own FAQs page today

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About Spencer Hert

Spencer Hert is a digital marketer with 4+ years of experience helping businesses grow through digital marketing, SEO, PPC, and client relationship management during his time at JTech.