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2015 Year in Review

By Mira Brody - Last Updated on 12/29/2015
2015 was a tremendously successful and busy year full of change and refinement for JTech. Having fully embraced our new work process at the end of 2014, we spent most of this year taking on new projects and precipitating this new process. We hired new team members, enhanced our website analytics capabilities, expanded our knowledge-sharing campaign outside of our own in-house publications and continued our relationship with MSU.

All of these attributions have supplemented our enduring objective: to make the website creation process a holistic experience and produce the most advanced product for our clients.

Join us on a journey to revisit a few noteworthy milestones from 2015:
year in review.
Photo credit: Unsplash, John Ottosson

5. Teaming up with MSU.
JTech has, with great success, continued our relationship with Jake Jabs College of Business at MSU. Each semester we host a new intern who helps our marketing team. In the summer we had Jason Trueblood, a student of Business-Marketing, and our fall intern, Sam McCue, has been invited to stay on for an additional semester. Sam has been a great addition to our office, gaining first-hand marketing experience, developing customized website promotion plans and search engine optimization strategies for clients.

4. Expanding our services.
You may have noticed more frequent literature postings on our own site, which comes with the addition of our in-house copywriter. I joined the team last March and have since been exposed to the very technical world of advanced website building. It has been a ton of fun as well as a huge learning experience to work with the entire team here in our Bozeman office. Not only do I produce weekly announcements and monthly technical and business blogs, but I also work with the team to refine and write outstanding content for our clients.

3. External publications.
It is always fun working with external publishers. We started the year by publishing some of our web design work on other technical industry sites, such as Web Designer Depot and Speckyboy. Every editor I have worked with has taught me something more about writing and it is always exciting to see reader’s reactions to your work. The four articles we’ve published this year are: Adapting Mobile Web Usability for Ad Content Blockers, The UX Case Against the Home Button, Driving UX with AJAX, and Using OmniGraffle for Web Design.

2. Server upgrades.
We recently installed new servers in our hosting facility; upgrades that will help us continue to better serve our clients and enhance the web performance of their sites. We are excited for what these upgrades will allow us to provide you in the future.

1. Some notable projects.
We had the pleasure of working with amazing businesses this year, from responsive overhauls to brand-new sites.

With the increase of mobile users, we worked with several clients to take their current online business and optimize it for all devices, whether desktop, tablet or phone. A few of our customers who got overhauls this year are: Montana Health Network, Clark Film Buying, Bank of Bozeman, Price Rite Drug and The Gem Gallery. We also launched many new sites, including Shipton's Big R, McKennett Law FirmHealthcare-Malpractice.com and Ryen Glenn Estates.

As 2016 unfolds, we look forward to more ways our team can collaborate and produce top-shelf projects at an ever-increasing velocity.

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About Mira Brody

Mira Brody is an editor, writer, and marketing expert with 12+ years of experience. She has worked as a local news reporter, a writer/editor, and as a leader in large-scale branding strategy. Mira worked at JTech as the staff writer and editor for internal and client projects from March 2015 to December 2019.