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Twitter’s Longer Character Limit is Here to Stay

By Mira Brody - Last Updated on 11/28/2017
Last month, Twitter doubled its character limit to 280 for a trial period. Because of its success, they’ve decided to keep it a permanent feature of their social platform. When this change was first released, it was marked by an onslaught of funny reactions from celebrities and other high-profile Tweeters.

Since the conclusion of the trial period, only 5% of Tweets have been longer than 140, and 2% over 190, however, the extra characters decreased the amount of time user’s spent editing their Tweets to parse them down. This has boosted user engagement on the social media site, leading to an increase in Likes, Retweets and Mentions. It is ultimately this positive engagement — good business for Twitter — that solidified their decision to keep 280 characters around permanently.

So go ahead! Tweet away without worry about running out of room. Put Twitter to good use and engage your customers with more meaningful messages.

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About Mira Brody

Mira Brody is an editor, writer, and marketing expert with 12+ years of experience. She has worked as a local news reporter, a writer/editor, and as a leader in large-scale branding strategy. Mira worked at JTech as the staff writer and editor for internal and client projects from March 2015 to December 2019.