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JTech Communications

JTech's Technical Blog

By Joshua Reynolds - Last Updated on 01/20/2014
The JTech Technical Blog
With the most recent update to our website, JTech added a Technical Blog, where our Montana web development team members occasionally share their thoughts about the challenges they’ve faced when creating advanced websites and digital strategies. We’re sharing our experiences to start a dialog with other web designers and developers who are tackling similar problems.

The Technical Blog is a place for in-depth, detailed descriptions of the scenarios our Bozeman team has explored — the puzzles and the approach we’ve taken to solving them. A taste of what the Technical Blog will offer:

The blog will continue to be a place where our team members ruminate on the deeper particulars of their disciplines and the modern web design tools they employ. If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty details of cutting edge web development, we invite you to come along for the ride.


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Joshua Reynolds: President and Founder

About Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds is the founder, president, CEO, and chief architect of JTech Communications. His extensive, 30+ year career has spanned management, Internet systems, information architecture, and web technology of all kinds. Josh’s career is defined by reliable, actionable strategies that his clients can actually use to improve their business.