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A Year of the JTech Technical Blog

By Joshua Reynolds - Last Updated on 10/28/2014
We launched the JTech Technical Blog a year ago as a channel to share our technical approach to solving online business problems using advanced web design and web development tools. If you’re interested in a detailed technical look at how our team approaches custom web design, website development and internet marketing, we've compiled a retrospective of what our team wrote:

The State of Resolution-Independence In Web Design: 2014 by Felix Wolfstrom
Human Interface Designer Felix Wolfstrom goes in depth with the design and development strategies being used to deliver beautiful, effective layouts to devices of all screen sizes and resolution densities.
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Using Async to Avoid Render-Blocking by Patrick Milvich
VP Technology Patrick Milvich describes the benefits of asynchronous JavaScript and CSS for page-loading and custom website performance, as well as its limitations and illustrative examples.
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Safely Using Async Javascript by Patrick Milvich
This followup article describes the web development solutions we've employed to avoid some of the dangers inherent to asynchronous JavaScript.
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Dark Patterns in Design by Felix Wolfstrom
Human Interface Designer Felix Wolfstrom discusses dark patterns — unethical choices in website design intended to trick the user. This article gives examples of how dark patterns have been deployed and discusses the fallout of taking advantage of your customers.
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Keyword-Rich Domains & Microsites by Mike Kostrey
Search Marketing Manager Mike Kostrey wrote about using custom microsites optimized to address very targeted niches, creating relevant answers to search queries based on geographic markers, language, or vertical product offerings.
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jtCount: An OmniGraffle AppleScript that Counts! by Tyler Miller
Project Manager Tyler Miller published an AppleScript developed by VP Technology Patrick Milvich. This script allows JTech's team to quickly develop web project budgets based on flowcharts developed in OmniGraffle, but has many other potential uses.
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Using Adobe After Effects to Design and Prototype 3D CSS Animations, Part I & II by Tyler Miller
Project Manager Tyler Miller wrote about prototyping the JTech advanced home page using Adobe's digital motions graphics software. This article goes into minute technical detail about the process of composing in After Effects and exporting the unique composition directly to CSS.
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Designing Responsively by Felix Wolfstrom
Human Interface Designer Felix Wolfstrom wrote about how his approach to design is shifting to accommodate designing responsive websites instead of fixed-frame websites. This article includes an overview of what responsive website design is and how JTech's overall approach to website projects is changing.
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If there are any topics that you’d like to hear our Montana web development team explore on the Technical Blog, get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Joshua Reynolds: President and Founder

About Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds is the founder, president, CEO, and chief architect of JTech Communications. His extensive, 30+ year career has spanned management, Internet systems, information architecture, and web technology of all kinds. Josh’s career is defined by reliable, actionable strategies that his clients can actually use to improve their business.