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Programming Intern: Zachary Lowen

By Joshua Reynolds - Last Updated on 10/21/2014
Please join us in welcoming Zachary Lowen, JTech's winter programming intern. Zach was born in Havre, Montana, and is now majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Computer Engineering and Japanese at Montana State University.

Having lived in Montana municipalities from Billings to Fort Benson, Zach is grounded in Montana's culture and makes a great addition to our Bozeman, Montana web development team. A hiking and hunting enthusiast, he brings a long history of tinkering, taking things apart, putting things back together, and computer programming to JTech's website development team.

Welcome, Zach!

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Joshua Reynolds: President and Founder

About Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds is the founder, president, CEO, and chief architect of JTech Communications. His extensive, 30+ year career has spanned management, Internet systems, information architecture, and web technology of all kinds. Josh’s career is defined by reliable, actionable strategies that his clients can actually use to improve their business.