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Going Mobile

By Joshua Reynolds - Last Updated on 08/14/2012
Photo by Benjamin Child (Unsplash)
Credit: Flickr User The Next Web
Credit: Flickr User Zoonabar
This month we’re taking a break from our usual format to talk about the mobile web. We’ll explore who’s using it and how you can tap into that market with your website.

Who's using mobile?
The web is transforming. Take a look around next time you're at a restaurant or waiting in line to watch a movie. In all likelihood, you'll see at least a few people poking and swiping their smartphones — checking the weather, talking with friends, and browsing the web. Maybe you're doing so yourself. With the advent of easy to use smartphones, web use on mobile devices has surged.

Smartphone users are diverse. More than 50% of smartphone users are 35 or older, and they're equally men and women. How big a market are we talking about? In late 2011, sales of smartphones eclipsed those of laptop and desktop computers. For now, the market is only getting bigger, and mobile web browsing is on pace to catch up with traditional computer web browsing by 2015.

Pocket-Friendly Changes
What's the best way to capitalize on all these mobile web users? At JTech, we've developed a toolbox of ways to enhance your existing site for mobile without starting from scratch — The Mobile Refit Kit.

The changes range from simple to more comprehensive. Perhaps the most basic is reviewing "tap" functionality on your website; you'll want phone numbers to be tap-to-call, while fax numbers never should be. Other changes make the website a more friendly experience for mobile users: Adding advanced interactivity such as swiping through slideshows, or encouraging people to save their website as an app. 

For the best mobile experience, we can create a complete version of your website designed just for mobile devices. In practice, this means a streamlined interface that makes it easier to find information and take action on a small screen.

Not Just Your Website
As well as upgrading your website, you may want to consider a mobile experience beyond your website: For instance, using social media to provide incentives for your customers to interact. How does this work? One example is Yelp check-ins for your business. Customer engagement is increased as Yelp’s built-in system rewards them for frequent visits. Social media is a great channel for enhanced communication and special offers that can encourage your customers to think of you when they're on the go. 

These enhancements are just the tip of the iceberg, but they're all available to you. Ask us about the Mobile Refit Kit; we're standing by, ready to help.
Malibu Tan Logo
Malibu Tan's Website
Malibu Tan
Malibu Tan of Bozeman commissioned us to develop a website with all the luxury of their state-of-the-art facility in the Gallatin Shopping Center on North 19th. We built them a smooth and spacious website with the same cleanliness and subtle golden glow you'll find when you visit their tanning studio. 

Have a look at their website, then take a trip down to their studio. No appointment necessary.


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About Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds is the founder, president, CEO, and chief architect of JTech Communications. His extensive, 30+ year career has spanned management, Internet systems, information architecture, and web technology of all kinds. Josh’s career is defined by reliable, actionable strategies that his clients can actually use to improve their business.