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Email Quota Warnings

By Joshua Reynolds - Last Updated on 05/28/2013
Credit: The UPS Store, JTech Communications
Do you ever run up against your email's storage limits? We know that storage limitations can sneak up on you; before you know it, your full inbox is refusing to take a single new message. To help you avoid hitting your inbox's limit, we've added an early notification system for all email managed by JTech:

When your inbox is at 85% capacity, we now email you with a warning that you're getting close to capacity.

At 95%, we'll send another warning — in case you missed the last one, you have a last-ditch opportunity to act before emails start bouncing back to their senders.

We hope this helps! And of course, you may simply need a bigger inbox. If that's the problem, don't hesitate to ask us about an upgraded email package.

Monthly inbox insights.

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About Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds is the founder, president, CEO, and chief architect of JTech Communications. His extensive, 30+ year career has spanned management, Internet systems, information architecture, and web technology of all kinds. Josh’s career is defined by reliable, actionable strategies that his clients can actually use to improve their business.