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JTech Implements Automatic Domain Renewal

By Mira Brody - Last Updated on 04/10/2015
JTech Providing Automated Domain Renewal.

Your domain is your web identity.
We’ve seen it more than once: a web development client spends years and thousands of dollars building an online brand only to miss the memo when their domain name is up, it expires, and their name is lost into the vast, dark space of the internet. Business owners know that most of the time, losing your domain name can also mean losing a large part of your business — that to lose ownership of your website identity could be detrimental.

In order to prevent this, JTech is implementing an automatic domain renewal system this month to make the entire process less stressful, faster and overall more economical and assured for both our company and yours.

Beware of cybersquatters.
When a domain name expires, the owner usually has a month or so (if they’re lucky) in order to reclaim it before someone else snatches it up. In some cases, the purchase of someone’s old domain is justified. Others, unfortunately, are backed by more selfish motives. Why would another buyer snag an expired domain? There are a few reasons(1):

  • Sometimes someone will purposefully wait for your specific domain to expire in order to buy it, then sell it back to you at a higher price.

  • Sometimes a domain has a high SEO value and the “snatcher” will purchase it for its favorable qualities in Google’s search results.

  • Sometimes there is something to benefit from gaining the company’s domain trademark, such as marketing a competing product or service.

We call the people who do these evil deeds “cybersquatters.” Cybersquatters are people who retrieve domains with bad intentions in order to profit from a trademark belonging to someone else(2).

No matter the person or the cause of loss, however, if you still intended to use the domain for a website or online digital marketing strategy, it is a major inconvenience to you and your company.

Auto renewing is easy.
Now, each year, we will automatically renew all domains on file when their registration is due to expire. To facilitate this, you place a credit card on file with us and we manage future registrations with the same cycle (often every five years) that you’ve ordered in the past. We will then alert you with 60 and 30 day notices of the impending renewal, then send out a notice to let you know that we have completed the renewal of your domain.

There are different cycles of domain ownership to choose from, depending on how long you wish you retain ownership of it and what your budget is. The typical time periods, and the ones we offer, are: one year, three years and five years — with discounted rates for longer-term ownership.

Even with the automatic renewal system it is easy to make changes to your domain with JTech. You can swap the credit card on file, decline the renewal or change your domain renewal cycle by contacting us at east 15 days before your expiration date.

We believe that our automatic domain renewal system will help us provide a seamless, holistic service for your custom website and will be in the best interest of our customers. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. In the end, automated renewal creates a smoother transaction and one less thing you have to worry about on your to-do list.

(1) Dear Rich Blog — Snafu Cause Loss of My Domain Name: Now What?
(2) Wikipedia — Cybersquatting

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About Mira Brody

Mira Brody is an editor, writer, and marketing expert with 12+ years of experience. She has worked as a local news reporter, a writer/editor, and as a leader in large-scale branding strategy. Mira worked at JTech as the staff writer and editor for internal and client projects from March 2015 to December 2019.