Web Apps: an advanced way to do business
Wikipedia will tell you that a web app is a program stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface, which is a pretty plain description of a very exciting topic (at least to us!).
The difference between a web app and a website, is really just the technical skill of the developer. Since we’re a highly technical company that develops custom projects for our clients, we are able to make amazing, unique solutions that enable our clients to do business online. Rather than just deploying an informational website, we build websites that are also web apps, meaning your visitors can not only learn about your business, but also use your website to do business. Apple, for example, recently combined their main website with the Apple Store, providing a single, flawless experience, instead of two separated sites, existing now both as a place to inform, as well as a place to perform business transactions.
Here are a few features of web apps to take note of:
We find that most businesses really benefit from a web app because they can be built to complete any workflow process necessary for you to serve customers and make sales. If you want more information about how a custom web application can improve the way you run your business, give us a call! We’d love to build a solution for you.
- Like a website, a web app is presented in a browser, but its advanced nature allows it to look and behave much like a desktop application.
- Because it is essentially a very advanced website, a web app needs UI (user interface) design and both front and backend development.
- When desirable, a web app can be self-contained to work offline.
- Includes advanced device capabilities such as geolocation, camera integration, or, like My Shipping Post, compatibility with parcel scales and scanners for data input.
- As long as the web app is online, the latest version is always up-to-date.
We find that most businesses really benefit from a web app because they can be built to complete any workflow process necessary for you to serve customers and make sales. If you want more information about how a custom web application can improve the way you run your business, give us a call! We’d love to build a solution for you.