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Using a 100% AJAX Framework

By Mira Brody - Last Updated on 08/25/2015
Using a 100% AJAX Framework

We’ve been working with various industry publications to share our technical expertise with our peers and thought some of you would enjoy these more technical articles as well. Most recently we worked with Web Designer Depot, a web designer and developer’s resource, to publish an article titled: Driving UX with AJAX.

Below is a synopsis of the article. You can enjoy it in its entirety here.

With mobile internet usage eclipsing desktop-based web browsing, it’s more important than ever for websites to be built with an emphasis on speedy page loads and fluid reactions to user input. One important technology we use to achieve this is AJAX, short for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX allows you to update parts of a single webpage without continually throwing out the document object model (DOM) — eliminating the need for entire page loads and creating a faster response to user input. Building custom websites on AJAX allows more freedom with aesthetic, with unique animation between page loads, smoother usability with the integration of infinite scrolling all with the ability to bookmark and negotiate with your browser’s navigation buttons unencumbered.

AJAX eliminates the use of excessive bandwidth and creates sites that function on a much higher caliber. We began building advanced sites on this basis nearly ten years ago and in this article we explore a number of the specific advantages, and some limitations, of AJAX.

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About Mira Brody

Mira Brody is an editor, writer, and marketing expert with 12+ years of experience. She has worked as a local news reporter, a writer/editor, and as a leader in large-scale branding strategy. Mira worked at JTech as the staff writer and editor for internal and client projects from March 2015 to December 2019.