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mike kostrey announcement

Mike Kostrey is Retiring After 19 Years With JTech

By Katie Jenkins - Last Updated on 03/26/2020
Please join us in extending best wishes to Mike Kostrey, who is retiring from his position on JTech’s digital marketing team. Mike has been an integral team member and respected employee of JTech for the past 19 years, almost as long as our doors have been open. He will be greatly missed by clients and colleagues alike. Many of you have grown accustomed to hearing him answer the phone or greet you when you come through our front door in his calm and gentle voice, or have worked with him as he’s helped your businesses grow online. 

Now that Mike will have more free time, you can expect that he will be in the mountains somewhere with his wife and three beloved dogs. We will all wish Mike well as he starts a new chapter in his life and in closing we want to share his parting words.

 "It’s been a wonderful journey with my JTech colleagues since 2001.  It has been my honor and pleasure to serve so many terrific clients and truly enjoyable to help your businesses thrive over the past 19 years.  For my next stage, I’m looking forward to many new mountains to climb and horizons to explore.” -Mike Kostrey

We will miss you, Mike!

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Katie Jenkins: Sales & Marketing Director

About Katie Jenkins

Katie Jenkins has 17+ years of experience as a sales leader, marketing director, and fund developer for businesses throughout the Gallatin Valley. Now, Katie serves as JTech’s sales & marketing director. Her expertise and sound judgment help JTech’s web design, website support, SEO, and PPC clients find reliable success.